Thursday, March 5, 2015

JLN:Not so Great

JLN was a man whom kids loved to call Chacha. Following an inglorious defeat in war with china, when he died and Lal Bahadur became the PM, we kids were happy: at last India had a ‘Bahadur’ prime minister.
He laid a solid foundation on which young India could add umpteenth stories to build a sky-scrapper. Pakistan, Burma, Ceylon are neighbors who got independence in 47-48 but became failed nations.
He started institutions like IITs, RECs, IIMs, INCOSPAR (ISRO), BARC, NDA, NID, AIIMS, FTII and many others. NBT publish low cost books for children. NSEP lauded by WHO as ‘greatest achievement in public health during the 20th century’ eradicated the killer disease small pox from India.
He commissioned dams that give power & irrigation and steel plants that give steel to build. His mixed economic policy and NAM were unique concepts. Industry grew 7.0 per cent annually between 1950 and 1965. Green Revolution removed the food scarcity and provided food security.
He lost a war in 1962, so have many Great Generals, but three years later Indian armed forces were so much empowered that it won a war and for half of those three years he was the prime minister.
And he was not so Great a General. He was not made of iron but he made steel.

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