Ours is a great nation. We have produced some individuals who have achieved great heights. Each year some of them are awarded with different titles! While individual achievements are laudable does it make a nation great?
In my opinion the sincerely working Indian makes this nation great. Be it a homemaker, teacher, doctor, postman, policeman, soldier, businessman, farmer, student- a person from any profession.
In this hard time forces of corruption are so strong that it is almost impossible to remain honest completely, how hard one tries. Rich and poor, top to bottom corruption has pervaded all. But one can still remain 'sincere' to one's work.
It is often said ‘Sau me Assi Beimaan phir bhi Mera Desh Mahan’. Yes the remaining twenty percent makes this nation great, even ten percent is enough. Positive is many times powerful than Negative.
‘Proton is much heavier than Electron’.
A young boy who saved the lives of 15-20 fellows and then died during the Mumbai rains, a widow after the death of her husband due to lack of treatment- worked as maid and raised her son to be a doctor and started a free-hospital on her land in a village of Bengal, a villager who worked painstakingly for thirty years and cut through a hill to shorten the distance in a village of Bihar, young soldiers of our children’s age who man our borders in cold, heat, rain so that our children can go to the discos- make this nation great.
Will ‘The Sincere Indian’ and not a high achiever get a 'Bharat Ratna' someday!